Pros & Cons of Swift Language in Detailed

What is Swift and why should you use it?

Swift programming language was developed by Apple Inc. and introduced in 2014. Swift programming language is developed to work with Apple’s Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks and the significant body of present Objective-C code written for Apple products. Swift is intended to provide a more concise, expressive, and safer programming language for building apps on iOS, macOS, WatchOS, tvOS, and VisionOS.

Here are some key features and reasons why you might consider using Swift:

Readability and Conciseness: Swift syntax is designed to be clear and concise, making it easier to read and write code. This can lead to improved productivity and reduced development time.

Safety: Swift includes modern programming language features that help developers write safer code. For example, optional help prevents nil reference errors, and the type of system is designed to catch and eliminate common programming errors.

Performance: Swift is designed to be fast. It was built with performance in mind, and its syntax and language features are optimized for speed. It can be comparable to Objective-C in terms of performance while offering a more modern and developer-friendly syntax.

Interoperability: Swift is interoperable with Objective-C, meaning you can use Swift and Objective-C code together in the same project. This makes it easier to adopt Swift gradually in existing projects or work with existing codebases.

Open Source: Apple open-sourced Swift in 2015, allowing the community to contribute to its development. This has led to a more vibrant ecosystem, with contributions from individual developers and companies outside of Apple.

Community Support: Swift has an increasing and active community of developers who cultivate its ecosystem. There are numerous resources, libraries, and frameworks available for Swift development, making it easier to find solutions to common problems.

Playgrounds: Swift Playgrounds provide an interactive and real-time environment for experimenting with code, making it easier to learn Swift and test code snippets.

Support for Modern Development Practices: Swift includes features like generics, protocols, and closures that are commonly used in modern programming paradigms. This makes it suitable for a wide range of application architectures.

Single Codebase for Multiple Platforms: With the introduction of Swift UI, Swift allows developers to use a single codebase to create user interfaces for multiple Apple platforms, such as iOS, macOS, WatchOS, tvOS, and VisionOS.

Overall, Swift is a powerful, modern, and user-friendly programming language that offers advantages in terms of safety, performance, and developer productivity, especially when building applications for the Apple ecosystem.

A Brief History of Swift Language

Swift is a new coding language developed by Apple Inc. The language was introduced at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in 2014. Here is a brief history of Swift:

June 2, 2014: Swift is Announced – At WWDC 2014, Apple announced Swift as a new programming language for iOS, macOS, WatchOS, tvOS, and VisionOS development. The goal was to provide a more modern, safe, and efficient alternative to Objective-C, which had been the primary language for Apple’s development platforms.

December 3, 2015: Open Sourcing – In a surprising move, Apple decided to make Swift an open-source language. This meant that developers outside of Apple could contribute to its development, report bugs, and even create their Swift-based projects. The open-sourcing of Swift helped foster a strong community and encouraged widespread adoption.

June 13, 2016: Swift 3.0 – The Swift 3.0 release marked a major milestone. It brought several changes to the language, including introducing the Swift Package Manager for managing the distribution of Swift code. However, it also introduced some source-breaking changes, making it necessary for developers to update their code.

June 5, 2017: Swift 4.0 – Swift 4.0 focused on source compatibility, with an emphasis on providing stability for developers. It introduced new features, including the Codable protocol for easy serialization and deserialization of data, and enhanced key paths.

June 4, 2018: Swift 4.2 – Swift 4.2 continued the focus on stability and performance improvements. It introduced new features like conditional conformances and a new Hashable protocol.

March 25, 2019: Swift 5.0 – Swift 5.0 brought ABI (Application Binary Interface) stability, which meant that Swift binaries became backwards-compatible. This was a significant milestone for the language. It also introduced features like raw strings, dynamic callable types, and improved performance.

June 3, 2019: Swift UI and Combine – At WWDC 2019, Apple introduced Swift UI, a declarative UI framework for building user interfaces across all Apple platforms. Combine, a framework for processing values over time, was also introduced. These technologies represented a shift in how developers could create user interfaces and manage asynchronous events.

November 5, 2019: Swift 5.1 – Swift 5.1 introduced module stability, enabling binary frameworks to be shared between Swift 5.1 and future Swift versions without recompilation.

June 22, 2020: Swift 5.3 – Swift 5.3 introduced new language features, improved performance, and platform enhancements. It also included the introduction of Swift on Windows.

June 7, 2021: Swift 5.5 – Swift 5.5 was a significant release that introduced a range of new features, including concurrency support with async/await, actors, and structured concurrency. It aimed to simplify asynchronous programming in Swift.

September 2023: Swift 5.9 – realised and available for developers with macro system element, generic parameter packs, and ownership features such as the new consume operator and more features that make programming more seamless.

Swift continues to evolve, with regular updates and improvements. It has become a popular choice for iOS and macOS development, and its open-source nature has contributed to its growth and adoption in various domains beyond the Apple ecosystem.

Pros of Swift in iOS App Development:

Swift has gained popularity in iOS app development for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the key pros of using Swift:

Safety and Performance:

  • Swift is designed with a strong emphasis on safety, reducing the number of errors and crashes in your code.
  • Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) helps manage memory efficiently, reducing memory leaks.

Readability and Conciseness:

  • Swift has a clean and expressive syntax that is easy to read and write, which can enhance code readability.
  • The concise syntax reduces the amount of boilerplate code, leading to more maintainable and understandable code.

Interoperability with Objective-C:

  • Swift is compatible with Objective-C, enabling developers to use both languages within the same project.
  • Existing Objective-C codebases can be gradually migrated to Swift, making it easier for developers to adopt the language.

Open Source and Community Support:

  • Swift is open source, allowing developers to contribute to its development and providing transparency into its evolution.
  • The Swift community is active, with many resources, forums, and third-party libraries available for support.

Playgrounds for Interactive Development:

  • Swift Playgrounds provides an interactive and real-time environment for testing and experimenting with code, making the learning process more engaging.

Performance Optimization Tools:

  • Xcode, the integrated development environment for Swift, includes performance optimization tools that help developers identify and resolve bottlenecks in their code.

Swift Package Manager:

  • Swift Package Manager simplifies the process of managing dependencies and distributing Swift code packages.
  • It offers a convenient way to integrate third-party libraries and frameworks into Swift projects.

Modern Language Features:

  • Swift includes modern language features such as optionals, generics, and closures, which facilitate the development of robust and flexible code.

Concurrency Support:

  • Swift 5.5 introduced concurrency support with async/await, actors, and structured concurrency, making it easier to write asynchronous code.
  • This enhances the performance and responsiveness of iOS apps, especially when dealing with network requests and parallel tasks.

Single Codebase for Multiple Platforms:

  • Swift UI, introduced with Swift, enables developers to use a single codebase to create user interfaces for multiple Apple platforms, such as iOS, macOS, WatchOS, tvOS, and VisionOS.

Regular Updates and Improvements:

  • Swift is actively developed, and Apple regularly releases updates with new features, enhancements, and bug fixes, ensuring that the language stays modern and up-to-date.

Overall, Swift’s safety, performance, readability, and modern language features make it a preferred choice for iOS app development, providing developers with a powerful and efficient toolset for building high-quality applications.

Cons of Swift in iOS App Development:

While Swift has many advantages for iOS app development, it’s important to consider some of the challenges and limitations associated with the language. Here are some potential cons of using Swift:

Learning Curve:

  • For developers who are already proficient in Objective-C, there may be a learning curve when transitioning to Swift. This can be a temporary challenge, but it is worth noting.

Compatibility Issues:

  • Swift is a young language, and major updates have introduced source-breaking changes in the past. This can lead to compatibility issues when trying to update existing Swift code to an updated version of the language.

Interoperability Challenges:

  • While Swift is interoperable with Objective-C, there can be challenges when working with certain Objective-C features or libraries. Bridging between the two languages may require additional effort in some cases.

Compile Times:

  • Swift’s compile times can be longer compared to Objective-C, especially in larger projects. This can impact development speed, making the iteration process slower.

Limited Community Libraries:

  • While the Swift community is growing, it may still have fewer third-party Swift libraries and resources compared to more established languages like Objective-C or other ecosystems.

Evolutionary Nature:

  • The Swift language is still evolving, and this can lead to changes in syntax and behaviour with each latest version. While this is a positive aspect of keeping the language modern, it may require developers to adapt to changes more frequently.
  • Tooling and Ecosystem Maturity:
    Some development tools and libraries may not be as mature or feature-rich as those available for more established languages. This can be a consideration when choosing Swift for specific projects.

Platform Limitations:

  • Swift is primarily used for iOS, MacOS, WatchOS, tvOS, and VisionOS development. If you need to develop cross-platform applications that target non-Apple platforms, you might need to consider alternative technologies.

ABI Stability and Binary Compatibility:

  • While Swift has achieved ABI stability, ensuring binary compatibility across Swift versions, there may still be challenges when integrating Swift code with precompiled Objective-C libraries or frameworks.

Community Fragmentation:

  • Swift’s rapid evolution can lead to fragmentation within the developer community, as some developers may prefer to stick with earlier Swift versions to maintain compatibility with existing projects.

It is important to note that the cons mentioned here are relative, and the choice between Swift and other languages depends on the specific requirements of a project and the preferences and expertise of the development team. Many of the challenges associated with Swift are actively being addressed by the Swift community and Apple through ongoing language improvements and updates.

Objective-C over Swift? Comparing use cases:

The choice between Objective-C and Swift in iOS application development depends on numerous factors, including project requirements, team expertise, and personal preferences. Both languages have their strengths and weaknesses. Here is a comparison of use cases for Objective-C and Swift:


Use Cases:

Legacy Codebases:

  • If you are working on an existing project with a large codebase written in Objective-C, it might be more practical to continue using Objective-C for consistency and interoperability.

Library and Framework Support:

  • Objective-C has been around for a longer time, and there are more third-party libraries and frameworks available for it. If a specific library or framework critical to your project is only available in Objective-C, it might be a reason to use it.


  • Objective-C is highly interoperable with C and C++, which can be beneficial when working with low-level code or integrating with libraries written in these languages.

Team Expertise:

  • If your development team is more experienced with Objective-C and has a significant codebase already written in it, there might be a preference to stick with Objective-C.

Mature Tooling:

  • Objective-C has matured over the years, and there are well-established development tools and debugging capabilities available for it.


Use Cases:

New Projects:

  • For greenfield projects, especially those starting from nothing, Swift is often the preferred choice due to its modern syntax, safety features, and performance benefits.

Safety and Readability:

  • Swift is designed with a focus on safety, and its syntax is more modern and expressive, which can lead to more readable and maintainable code.


  • Swift is designed to be as performant as Objective-C, and in some cases, it may even offer performance improvements. If performance is a critical consideration, Swift might be a better choice.

Concurrency Support:

  • Swift 5.5 introduced concurrency support with features like async/await, actors, and structured concurrency. If your project requires efficient asynchronous programming, Swift may be a better fit.

Community and Ecosystem:

  • The Swift community is growing, and there are an increasing number of resources, libraries, and tools available. Choosing Swift can benefit from this active and evolving ecosystem.

Playgrounds and Interactivity:

  • Swift Playgrounds provides an interactive environment for experimentation and learning. This can be advantageous for developers, especially those who are new to the language.

Cross-Platform Development:

  • If you are considering cross-platform development with tools like Swift UI, Swift becomes more appealing as it can be used to develop for multiple Apple platforms (iOS, macOS, WatchOS, tvOS, and VisionOS).


Team Skillset:

Assess the skillset of your development team. If the team is equally proficient in both languages, the decision may come down to other project-specific factors.

Project Requirements:

Consider the specific requirements of your project, such as performance constraints, existing codebase, and third-party library dependencies.

Transition Plans:

If you are transitioning from Objective-C to Swift, formulate a plan to gradually adopt Swift into your codebase. Both languages can coexist in the same project.

Long-Term Support:

Consider the long-term support and evolution of the language. Swift is actively developed by Apple, while Objective-C may see fewer language updates in the future.

In summary, both Objective-C and Swift have their merits, and the choice depends on the unique circumstances of each project. Many projects involve a mix of both languages, leveraging their interoperability features to combine the strengths of each.

Can Swift Be the Future of iOS Development?

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Swift has played a significant role in the present and future of iOS development. However, predicting the future is always subject to change, and new developments may have occurred since then.

Here are some reasons why Swift could continue to be a key player in iOS development:

Apple’s Embrace of Swift:

Apple has been actively promoting Swift as the preferred language for iOS development. Swift regularly introduces new features and enhancements, highlighting Apple’s commitment to its ongoing development.

Continued Updates and Evolution:

Swift undergoes regular updates, introducing new language features, performance improvements, and enhancements. This commitment to evolution keeps the language modern and aligned with the needs of developers.

Safety and Performance:

Swift language is created with a focus on safety and performance. Its syntax encourages the development of robust and efficient code, contributing to the creation of high-quality iOS applications.

Active Community and Ecosystem:

The Swift community has grown steadily since the language was open-sourced. An active and engaged community contributes to the development of libraries, frameworks, and tools, fostering a rich ecosystem around Swift.

Concurrency Support:

Swift 5.5 introduced significant improvements in concurrency support, making it easier for developers to write asynchronous and concurrent code. This is particularly relevant in the context of modern app development.

Swift UI and Cross-Platform Development:

Swift UI, introduced alongside Swift, simplifies the process of building user interfaces for multiple Apple platforms. With Swift UI, developers can use a single codebase for iOS, macOS, WatchOS, and tvOS applications, potentially making Swift more versatile in cross-platform scenarios.

Industry Adoption:

Many new iOS projects are being initiated with Swift, and existing Objective-C codebases are gradually being migrated to Swift. The increasing adoption by developers and companies contributes to Swift’s prominence in the iOS development landscape.

Learning Curve and Developer Productivity:

Swift’s modern syntax, safety features, and developer-friendly aspects contribute to increased productivity. The language’s readability and ease of learning make it an attractive choice for developers.

While Swift has gained widespread acceptance and is a strong candidate for the future of iOS development, it is essential to consider that the field of technology is dynamic. Other languages or technologies could emerge, and the preferences of developers and industry trends may evolve.

As of now, Swift is a robust and actively developed language that is likely to remain a central part of iOS development. Developers interested in iOS development are encouraged to stay informed about language updates, community developments, and emerging app development trends to make informed decisions in their projects.

Despite its youth and the ensuing controversy, Swift has already achieved several notable successes. Uber, Lyft, and Fitbit are a few of the businesses that opted for the new terminology.


In conclusion, Swift has become a dominant force in iOS app development, bringing numerous advantages to developers. However, like other technology, Swift programming also has its challenges. In choosing Swift for app development, developers need to weigh these pros and cons against their project requirements, team expertise, and long-term goals. Swift has proven to be a powerful and modern language that aligns well with the demands of iOS development, and its ongoing evolution suggests a strong future in the Apple ecosystem.

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