The name Scala for the multi-paradigm programming language is derived from the term “Scalable Language.” Scala incorporates features from both the OOP (object-oriented programming) and functional programming concepts and offers the best features from the two worlds. By virtue of its design the Scala language works seamlessly with most mainstream programming platforms including C# and Java. Scala has most of the data types, basic operators, and control structures that you will find in Java or C#.
The special type of system used by Scala programming language ensures the validity of variance annotations by tracking usage of type parameter positions. Scala classifies them as covariant for the method results and immutable elds types. If the type belongs to method arguments and upper type parameter bounds, then Scala classifies them as being contravariant. The position of type arguments to parameters of non-variant types is always non-variant. The position of the covariant and contravariant inside type arguments vary according to the corresponding contravariant parameter.
Top Use Cases of Scala Language
The Scala language is being increasingly adopted for a wide range of new-age apps that use Big Data and the latest concepts of scalable and distributed applications. Scala is already widely popular for the creation of:
- Data-Intensive, Distributed Apps and Systems
- Modular and Scalable Software
- Fast Software and apps
- Big Data Applications
- Usage in Multiple Business Verticals
- Cluster Computing Tools
Scala for Big Data Applications
The great reach of the online world has led to huge platforms for carrying out tasks involving huge amounts of data which is popularly referred to as Big Data. The enormous number of transactions made daily creates more data, more processing. With millions of transactions occurring daily for each financial institution the audit history they must deal with is indeed vast.
The sheer number of transactions make it imperative that the tech handling such immense needs be adequately sophisticated to work seamlessly with such complex operations. Scala addresses such needs of Big Data platforms and apps perfectly making it a leading programming language choice well suited for Big Data apps.
The following features of Scala make large enterprises choose Scala for their projects:
Large library and support ecosystems
Data-driven application support
Facilitates Big data applications.
Key Features:
As we mentioned earlier, Scala combines the best of the worlds of OOP and functional programming and so Scala programming offers the following features:
- Singleton object
- Type inference
- Lazy evaluations
- Immutability
- String interpolation
- Case classes and Pattern matching
- Trait
- Rich collection set
- And Higher order function
Key Advantages
Scala features several key advantages which position it favorable when it comes to creating enterprise apps especially if they involve substantial amounts of data. The advantages of Scala as a programming language include:
It’s easy to learn

If you belong to coders trained in OOP-based family of programming languages, then Scala is surprisingly easy to pick up thanks to its familiar syntax. That coupled with Scala’s conciseness puts it ahead of competitors like Haskell and even Java. Scala language is great for programming productivity being able to perform operations with three lines of code which in Java would take up nine lines of code.
Great IDE Support

The wide support for Scala amongst IDEs is one of the greatest advantages of Scala. Unlike other functional programming languages, a large number of IDEs including the like of IntelliJ Idea and Atom support the language other than mainstay functional language IDEs like Vim or Emac.
It is highly scalable.

Like we mentioned through its very name, Scala espouses the virtue of being “scalable” as a programming “language”, which is one of its key advantages. Through its scalable nature, developers can create concurrent, fault-resistant systems with the Scala programming language.
It offers features like Open Classes, Mixins and Monkey Patching Mixins or traits which facilitate the
task of having multiple inheritances, monkey patching and open classes are some of the key functional advantages of Scala.
Data Analytics Friendly

If you are looking for programming features that make data analytics simple and easy, then Scala is a great option for you. With support from analytics tools like Apache Spark, many businesses use Scala for their software products and services.
It offers great functionality.

By virtue of its paradigm itself, Scala stands out by its functionality giving it a significant edge over other programming languages. Functions are almost native level in Scala offering first-class functions that let programmers pass them in the form of arguments to other separate functions besides also returning functions as values from other functions. You can also assign functions to variables or store them in data structures in Scala. Lastly, Scala makes it
possible for developers to switch to OOP-based models. Also, using Scala gives developers access to mutable collection libraries like Maps and Sets than complement Scala’s immutable collections.
Inherently Immutable Objects
Scala reduces the risks of Java regarding thread-safety when dealing with apps. Using Scala is Actually Fun!
All good programmers and software engineers out there are aware of the role of challenges in growth. With Scala programming challenges can be overcome in an interesting and teachable manner. Further Scala also lets developers encode documents in the software products through its support for XML.
Create better code and make better developers!
Scala lets you create apps that perform operations with a significantly fewer lines of code than Java resulting in fewer bugs and thereby creating better quality apps besides increasing productivity. Additionally good Scala developers are usually excellent Java developers through their nuanced understanding of functional approaches and applying the same to Java and other similar programming languages.

Apache Spark

Akka Concurrency Framework

Scala Slick

Play Framework



Notable Scala usage example. Some of the most widely known uses of Scala include:
- How Netflix Uses Scala and Akka in Its Operations
- How LinkedIn Uses Scala for Its Messaging System- Kafka
- How Uber Uses Scala for Michelangelo- It’s Big Data Platform
Expertise Scala Programming :
iSummation has an industry-leading Scala development team with decades of collective experience in Scala and Big Data app development. With us, you have your perfect Scala development partner!