Speech-to-text application ideal for transcribing purpose

Speech-to-text application ideal for transcribing purpose - isummation technologies
A web application capable of digitizing different types of audio and video format with perfection. Precise speech-to-text tool for a simplify narration and quick dictation of long audio and video files into purposeful transcripts.

Well designing a transcribing software is not a piece of cake as it seems, we also face some overwhelming situations in designing and developing phase of application.

Problems faced by developers

  • Tackling cursor positioning issues
  • Improper key functioning
  • Use of inline editing to support different types of document stylesheet
  • Developing editor software and advanced editing tools for better functioning of the application.

Problem arises in app/final product

  • Understanding dialects and accents
  • Segregation of language
  • Dealing with mispronounced and inaudible words, overlapped speech, and jargons
  • Addressing conversational pauses in audio/video files
  • Preserving the information
  • Slow Translations
  • To finish transcribing within the given time duration
  • Recognizing the language stated with the format
  • Analyzing Database for voice recognition
  • Resource allocation for quality assurance
  • To meet the user quality standards

A team of MEAN Stack developers and programmers was set up to address the root cause of these challenges so that we can enhance the overall quality of software making it more robust, agile, and scalable to use. Real-time testing is carried out for in-depth understanding of the technical issues. We successfully develop the editor for the software, and indeed it helps us to deal with issues faced by our developers like cursor position problems, inaccurate key functioning, use of inline editing, APIs, etc. Deployed advanced security practices to make the content highly safe and secured.


With a team of professionals, we’ll glad that we overcome those challenges without much hassle.

  • Support different type of audio (FLAC, WMA, m4a) and video formats (avi, MPEG, MOV)
  • Resource allocation
  • Quick translation with great accuracy
  • Excellent speech recognition
  • Suitable for all sorts of industries
  • Smart technology to meet the industries standards
  • Self-detect mispronounced and inaudible words, overlapped speech, and jargons
  • Secured

Our ambition was to cater a solution that was more functional and efficient from rest of the competitors and hopefully, we did it.

  • Bringing information automation as a real time Business Intelligence system
  • Increasing Sales Orders, Deliveries, Inventories and Payments for the business
  • Real time analytics helping to clear pending invoice payments
  • The complete Account Receivable cross-information system on fingertips
  • Auto syncing data capability with legacy system using auto-import functions
  • Custom Reports flexibilities using multiple filters and sorting parameters
  • Bringing efficiency and productivity that ultimate helping to increase revenue and profitability for the business.
  • Huge time and cost savings

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